Green 2.8.2

Green is a clean, colorful, fast python test runner.

Nathan Stocks
Agile Perception


  • Work around Python’s failure to skip tests in a consistent way — in particular, if SkipTest was raised in setUpClass(), then different versions of Python did different things, none of them very sensible. We take the approach that Python should have taken and skip each test as the SkipTest exception is raised. This results in one skip entry per test in the class that was skipped. Resolves #159.
  • Fixed the warning in Python 3.6 due to an inadvertent double-import issue.
  • Fixed crash that could occur running self-tests on newer versions of Python 2.7 which expect to use an iterator with a next() function.



Nathan loves Rust, Python and Indie Game development. He is a veteran software developer (mostly backend infrastructure). He loves family, frisbee, food & fun.